
Sunday 13 March 2016

RO RUHNKE OPTIK Noctovist 8X30

Late Noctovist MkI model with larger ocular lenses than MkII Noctovist, obviously an export model with English markings. It was cca 30% cheaper than Carl Zeiss Deltrintem. It is well built, but optically not even close to best German glass, with the exception of center sharpness. Wide Angle, Fully coated is just a marketing trick. Its field of view is much narrower than competition (130 m / 1000 m) and the view is very yellow, almost orange in colours.


  1. Keep posting such articles! I always prefer the Sony Binoculars to capture the stuff at a distance.

  2. This is such an informative post. You have a lot of really great points. I wish I had this post as a resource when I started blogging.
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  3. Amazing..!! You have a very nice collection of classic binoculars. I envy you for this.
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  4. I have the noctovist mk2 very sharp and image quality is good .but not as good as my Nikon 8x30

  5. Imported to the UK in 1982 by Charles Frank Ltd. Saxmundham, Suffolk.
    £27.50 compared to Jenoptem at £43 !
