Sunday 4 September 2016

SWAROVSKI Habicht 8X30

I finally got it. In a good condition, internally clean, perfectly collimated for "reasonable" price. Its full name is Swarovski Habicht-Merkur 8X30 M DV, "Habicht" in script letters, dated in early 60s. I was prepared for only one deliberately chosen "flaw" - yellow image. Everything else supposed to be mechanical and optical masterpiece. Unfortunately, Swarovski was not in alpha class with E. Leitz and Carl Zeiss in 50s and 60s, like it is today. I compared it with both Carl Zeiss, east and west, with Binuxit and many others, three times cheaper binoculars. Central sharpness is not on par with let's say Binuxit, Carl Zeiss west, Zephyr, Porlerim and Pizar, brightness is average, viewing comfort is far from perfect and its greenish yellow tint is very unpleasant in almost any lighting conditions (among the worst in my collection). Paint on the bridge and leatherette are also very low quality and prone to fall off. And focus is pretty stiff due to a kind of weather sealing. As a birdwatcher I would choose Carl Zeiss Deltrintem pre 1978 over Habicht any time, despite some glorious reviews. Hard to believe? Take a chance and try it by yourself : )

Second opinion: Greatest binoculars


  1. Excellent post. I was looking for buying a best binocular, I think i found that. your informative post help me a lots. Thank you so much!

  2. Strongly agree, Gregor. People think that Swarovsky's old models are as good as the current ones and it is not true. The Jenoptem's for example are very superior. These are some of the highly overrated binoculars today in the auction pages and should cost no more than 30 euros. Regards.

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  6. Habicht ist das beste Fernglas das ich getestet habe. Lässt die Zeiss Gläser weit hinter sich!

  7. Vergütete, selektierte Leitz Binuxit 8x30 haben von allen klassischen und modernen (!!) 8x30 bzw. 8x32 Fernglas die höchste Mittenschärfe. Als passionierter Sammler alter Porros kann ich diese an Testafeln ermittelte Ergebnis über die Jahre hinweg immer wieder bestätigen. Kein Zeiss West, Ost, kein Kern Aarau, kein Hartmann, kein Swarovski Habicht oder Nikon EII oder SE kann da mithalten. Auch die modernen Hochleistungs Dachkantferngläser können in dieser Disziplin definitiv nicht ans Binuxit heran kommen. Faszinierend dieses Meisterstück aus den Fünfziger Jahren!

  8. Coated, selected Leitz Binuxit 8x30 binoculars have the highest centre sharpness of all classic and modern (!!) 8x30 or 8x32 binoculars. As a passionate collector of old Porros, I have been able to confirm these results, which have been determined on test plates, time and again over the years. No Zeiss West, East, Kern Aarau, Hartmann, Swarovski Habicht or Nikon EII or SE can keep up. Even the modern high-performance roof binoculars definitely cannot come close to the Binuxit in this discipline. This masterpiece from the fifties is fascinating!
